The Devil’s Teardrop – Jeffery Deaver

Need something to make your mind twist around, but just demand more? Well, then I’ve got the perfect book for you. The Devil’s Teardrop is a psychological thriller with more turnarounds than the roads in U.S.A. 

The Devil’s Teardrop is a mix of a psychologist and a terrorism thriller, It’s all about finding clues and make the right choices. You’ve got to make your mind work with you in this book, because It’s so freaking interesting and it got so much information for you to process.


After I had a look at the book cover and read the title, I will say the red represent blood and that the leaves might tell you that It’s autumn or early winter. The black spot or circle is the devil’s teardrop, if you have an eye for details it can seem like we’re looking at the drop from above, while it’s falling down onto a leaf. 

The Devil’s Teardrop is another masterpiece by the brilliant writer Jeffery Deaver. He is a former attorney, journalist and folk singer, but have now turned out  to be an exceptional full-time writer. He is a model of the fifties from Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The Devil’s Teardrop, it’s just another book’s success from him. Some others are: A Maiden’s Grave and The Bone Collector. 

The book is all about catching a man called “The Digger“, after he opened fire at a crowded subway station on new years eve. Approximately an hour later, a note demanding 20 million dollars is found under a vending machine. It says that if the money isn’t delivered by 4pm, the so called “Digger” will keep keep killing. So at 4pm, 8pm and midnight the “Digger” will start over again, in a new place every time, killing more and more people. He is being controlled by a very smart person, because the plan is almost bulletproof. Just almost.

The FBI decides to call in the one and only person who can stop this, Parker Kincaid, a retired FBI agent. He’s an expert forensic document analyzer, he can tell where a criminal is from or what gender by just taking a look of the note he wrote. So this is the guy who is supposed to stop the murderer, a man that is used to sit behind a desk reading notes and papers? If this is what you thought, then you should read the book and see yourself. The story will stay suspenseful throughout the book thanks to the four-hour limit between the massacres and all the twists and turns when you at least except them. 

There’s only one thing left to do now, go read the book!


Book review by Erik Hauge

I have recently been reading a book called Shall we tell the president. This is one of other great stories written by Jeffrey Archer. It was published in 1977 and since then there has been wide range of oppinions on this book. Some say it is catching and exciting. Some say it is to hard to grasp the characters and the “red line”.

The story itself takes place in Washington, D.C. The new female president is undergoing hard pressure and threats because of her view on the gun control politics.
A lot of the other politicians have economic interests in the weaponindustry and want her out of the way.
The FBI agent Mark Andrew has six days to prevent an assasination on the president. And that makes the reading exciting. Only the agent knows about the threat. He has to find out where and how the assassination is due, and therefore the title: Shall we tell the president.
Personally the book was a bit hard to read, but when I got the hang of it the excitement was solid. I need to have deeper interest to a book’s subject, in order to make a good review. This is a subject I find interesting, so finding something to criticize wasn’t  easy in this case.
I think the inside of american politics was interesting, and I defenitely want to read more from this author. But to bring up a conclusion of my opinion I would like to say that it is a decent book and I highly recommend it.

Black and White


Marcus and Eddie are best friends who

I was inspired to write Black and White, a novel about two Long Island City High School basketball stars and best friends who thought they’d “put all that racial crap behind us till we were almost like real blood-brothers,” by several very real. One mistake changed their friendship and their lives forever.

The main character in Black and White are Marcus Brown and Eddie Russo. They happen to be the same age at 18 years old and are seniors at Long Island High School. Eddie is white and short and has a sister named Rose which is who Marcus likes and a mom. Marcus is black and tall but only has his mom.

Both Eddie and Marcus are in high school and want some money. They think the best and fastest way to do so is to robing people who are coming out of the stores. But one day was there a mistake one of these robs Eddie was carrying a gun and he accidently fired the weapon. The man how was robed that night recognized Marcus but not Eddie. So Marcus got busted. Marcus was true friend and din’t doesn’t rat out Eddie and takes the blame. Both Eddie and Marcus had dreams of play basketball professionally but now they are unsure it will happen. Also their friendship is now on the line. Will Marcus speak up or not? You’ll have to read to find out the rest!





I think that the book was very interesting, memorable and entertaining since normal so I do not like to read the book but this is the first book that I liked factice. it had a lot of what I like as basketball, action, and appropriate drama. book affected me very much to read more books that are just like this. I liked the theme of the book it has with basketball as I do and that is my favorite sport.




Paul Volponi


In the book Black and White, Paul Volponi does a sensational job of showing how friendships can just be torn apart anyway possible. Black and White shows the ups and downs in an unbreakable friendship. Paul Volponi is an award winning author for the IRA Children’s Book Award (young adult fiction). Paul has also written many other books and one happens to be Rooftop, which is another award winning book.


Sir Alex Ferguson -“My autobiography

“My autobiography” is written by the main character

Sir Alex Ferguson, and was published 30. October 2013.

The book takes us through his 39 years of football management.

He started his football career in 1958 in Glasgow, and got his debut aged 16. He didn’t make it through as a footballer, and therefor became a football manager. After arriving at old Trafford in 1986, he brought Manchester United 38 trophies.
Sir Alex is well known for his contribute of the developing of players such as Ronaldo, Rooney and Beckham. Through the book, he also talks about his relationship with Ronaldo. The Portuguese attacker was his best signing during his time at Manchester United and he says that they had a “father and son” relationship.

He might be most known for winning “the treble” with Manchester united in 1999, which is both the Premier League, Champions League and the FA- cup.

There was a U- turn in 2002, when he planed to retire, and changed his mind and continued as a manager for Manchester United for 11 more years, to 2013.


Written by Sondre Hveding, bby love you all




Gerrard-My Autobiography

I have read “Gerrard – My autobiography”(2006) by Henry Winther. The author Henry Winther is an English sports journalist who is now working for The Times.

In this book Steven Gerrard tells the story of a lifelong obsession with football. He reveals the tensions, the thrills of the games, the rumours – but most of all he speaks about his love and passion for Liverpool.

In terms of content, the book covers his early life and football career, starting when he was nine years old. He also writes about his parents splitting up and a career threatening injury, and how to tackle discipline problems on the pitch. We get to know all about his football career up to the 2006 football season, both as the captain of Liverpool FC and playing for England.

I found this book very interesting because I am a huge Liverpool fan and have always loved football. Steven Gerrard is a hero to millions of people, me included. His determination, football skills, attitude to football and personality inspires me. This book has shown me that it is important to work hard and never take the easy way out of things.

Some of the topics mentioned in the book took me by surprise, for instance the fact that he had been friends with Michael Owen and Jamie Carragher since school. Not all of these topics are known from the media, something which makes it more fun to read.

Steven Gerrard is known to have a very private nature. I liked finding out more about his personal side, not only his professional highs and lows.

This book is worth reading for any football fans, not only Liverpool fans, because it does not include only Liverpool propaganda. His opinions about other players and managers, as well as his England experiences are interesting, honest and sometimes surprising.




Book review of Life of Pi

Pi- An Indian, Hindu, Christian, Muslim boy surviving in a lifeboat after shipwreck along with a Bengali tiger named Rickard Parker.h j

Title: Life of Pi

Author: Yann Martel

Language: Originally written in English, but the book has also been translated to including Norwegian.

Reading Difficulties: In this book, they have used a many “adults” words. Otherwise, I think the book was very okay to read.

Genre: Fantasy.

Age: Fourteen an up.

Pages: 347.

Chapters: 100

“You are now going to hear a history, that story will make you believe in God”
The book “Life of Pi” is shortly about this boy named Piscine Patel, or Pi as they also call him, and a Bengali tiger named Richard Parker. It`s about their story together in a boat. Pi is an Indian boy with a family that owns a zoo. Pi isn`t like everyone else- he is a Hindu, practicing on both Islam and Christianity. It`s tuff for zoo-owners at the moment, and the family decide to sell the zoo and move to Canada. The family and several of the animals is on board in the boat Tsimtsum. After four days on the boat, Pi wakes up in the middle of the night of a noise, and decides to go out and explore what is happening.

Then the boat is sinking quickly, and Pi gets throwing up in a lifeboat. He is not alone- both a hyena, a hurting zebra, a rat, an orangutan and a Bengali tiger named Richard Parker is also on the boat. It all ends up to be a “power-struggle” – how do you survive far away on the sea in a lifeboat with a tiger on board?

This book preserves the excitement trough nearly two-hundred pages description of being in a lifeboat in an improving way.

Experience with a few more words: I think the first part of the book was going a little slowly, and it was not before the shipwreck I was coming more into the book, and the excitement reached. After this, there is nothing to say about the voltage. I think Martel is good to write the description of how deprecation and survival instinct get Pi to take choices he is not proud of. Pi is a clever and bright person, he has a big voice in this book. Richard Parker is also a character you get fascinated of. The best thing of the book is that I haven`t read anything like it before. I love the originality. The end is the prick over the I: what should we proper believe in?


The girl who loved Tom Gordon

“The girl who loved Tom Gordon” is a horror book written by Stephen King.
( )

Stephen King was born in 1947 and he is an American author. King is most known for his horror books, but he also writes science fiction and fantasy. King`s novels is all about vampires, monsters, fantasy creatures to normal humans who has completely lost their sensible.

The most important themes in this book is: to believe in yourself, fear and the love for Tom Gordon.

“The girl who loved Tom Gordon” is about a 9 old year girl who has problem with her family. Her parents just got divorce and her mother and brother always fight. Trisha feel ignored and she will give them a lesion, if they even recognise she is gone. So she goes of the trail to pee, but notice after a while she is lost. Her plan was not successful and before her mother and brother notice she was gone, Trisha was lost long behind the forest.
This story takes place in the Appalachian mountains.

“Even in this channel, she was forced to clamber over one downed tree. It had fallen just recently, and fallen was really the wrong word. Trisha could see more slash-marks in its bark, and although the butt-end of its trunk was lost in a tangle of bushes, she could see how fresh and white the wood of the stump was. The tree had gotten in something`s way, and so the something had simply pushed it over, snapping it like a toothpick.”

Trisha knew “something” was watching her, “something” who was in the forest waiting for the right moment to attack maybe, or maybe the “something” was watching her suffer till she dies? Trisha knows she must not stop believing, believe that she one day will see her family again, that she one day can have the feeling of being safe, but a creepy, cold voice in her head was starting to tell Trisha the true. That she was lost and nobody was going to find her, and this was just the beginning. The beginning of hunger and to be left alone in the woods. Or was she alone?


I think the book is entertaining and instructive, because after you read this book you know a little more how to act in the forest and to never go out of the trail. And of course its entertaining because it is a lot of excitement that happens when Trisha is stuck alone in the forest.

The book was very mysterious, we did not know anything about the forest and “this thing” that’s keeps an eye on Trisha trough the forest. “This thing” makes me curious and make me think about what it can be. I also tough that the book was a little boring, because it took a long time before something exciting happened.

The witches -By Roald Dahl

The book is about a boy form England who lost his parents in a car accident, and lived with his grandmother in Norway. His grandmother told stories about witches every night. One day a man came at the door and gave the boys parents will, and in the will it said that the parents wanted the boy to grow up in England. The grandmother and the boy moved to England, the grandmother got sick. When she became better they went to a hotel by the sea because the doctor said it would improve the grandmothers health. At the hotel the boy was training his mouse, then he finds himself locked alone in a room with hundreds of witches. He hides in the room and hopes not to be found, and overhears he witches plan on how to get rid of all the children in England by making them into mice. The witches smell the boy, and turned him into a mouse by putting Delayed Action Mouse-Maker into his mouth. Then the grandmother and the boy/mouse tried to make the witches eat the mouse-maker themselves, and get rid of the witches forever.

Skjermbilde 2015-11-20 kl. 12.45.02.pngThe book is a fictional children’s book, written by Roald Dahl. Roald is a British author, from Wales. He was born in the early nineties in Llandaff. He worked in shell Oil Company, as a RAF fighter pilot in Second World War, as an air attaché and an author.

The grandmother in the book “ The witches” is based on Roald’s mother. The motto Roald lived by was: My candle burns at both ends. It will not last the night, but ah my foes and oh my friends. It gives a lovely light.

The cover of the book is colorful and that catches a child’s eye, it also has illustrations that have a lot to do with the content in the book. In spite of witches the theme in the book is love, trust and resistance.

I think the book is a fun book to read, and it is entertaining because I have never fantasied about children turning into mouse, and I had never expected it when I started to read the book either. The book is never boring at any point, and it shows up small surprises at regular intervals. In the book there is a quote I think that is absolutely beautiful, and it goes: ”It does not matter who you are or what you look like so long as somebody loves you.”

Meanwhile I was reading the book at school, I one day drove home from school, and I drove and I lived in a fool’s paradise, thinking all safe, be unsuspecting, I snatched the brakes! But, it was to late; I drove over a mouse that ran over the road. The first thing I thought was, what if that was a child. Notwithstanding the poor mouse have the book made an impression on me, and it is a positive one.

Sources – The book


The perks of being a wallflower

The author of the book I am reading is Stephen Chbosky. He is a film Director and Screenplay Write. He is also a novelist and wrote the book “The perks of being a wallflower” in 1999. The perks of being a wallflower are a fiction, teenage novel, letter and a dairy.

The book is a teenage novel and it is about a boy named Charlie witch is also the main character and is writing to a stranger. Because he needed a friend after his friend,  Michel took suicide. He was starting high school alone. Charlie has two older siblings witch makes him the youngest, he has his sister witch is the middle child and his brother witch is the oldest child. At school Charlie makes his first friend witch is his advanced English teacher, bill. Charlie made his to real teen friends at a football game, Sam and Patrick. They were seniors, just like his sister. They introduced him to all of their friends.

51Nam+nXVuL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book got my attention because I have heard of the movie, and seen it once or twice. I do like the movie but I think the book is even better. I do not like reading but I did like reading this book. Because it was a simple but jet interesting book, and I could relate to it. I think the cover of the book is classic and I like the font of the title.

I think the book is better then the movie and it was fun to read, because he wrought the book as if it was a diary for Charlie. It was a simple book to read. I could really relate to the book because they were teenagers, and I could understand the issues they had and how they felt.

The Echo

The Echo is a famous crime novel written by an even more famous author named Minette Walters. Minette Walters comes from and lives in London, together with her husband and two kids. She has worked as a magazine editor, but is now a full time author. Her debut was with the book The Ice House in 1992, which rapidly established her a reputation as one of the most exciting crime novelist writers of today. Her second book The Sculptress also became truly famous throughout the world. She has also written famous books like The Scolds Bridle, and The Dark Room. In 1996, The Sculptress was adapted to a television show and became the most successful television drama over recent years. Her first book The Ice House was also adapted to a television show in May 1997.

The Echo is Minette Walters’s fifth crime novel and was published in 1997. The book has won many different prices alongside its author and is Minette Walters most critically acclaimed work. The Echo is also known for grabbing the number one bestseller price the same year it was published. In 1998, The Echo was Minette Walters third book to become adapted to television. It is still aired during Easter in England.
If you want to learn more about Minette Walters and her work or the Echo for that matter, you can check out her website
The book opens when Amanda Powell, a rich architect catches a weird smell in her house, and when she goes to check it out, she finds a dead man alone in her garage. Six months later a reporter, Michael Deacon, gives her a call and tries to get an interview with her. Michael has begun to wonder who the dead man, Billy Blake, was and why a homeless person was found dead of starvation in one of the richest parts of London, in a garage. After Deacon gets deeper and deeper in to the case, he learns a lot more about it, like the existence of a young homeless boy with the name Terry, and a tie between this case and an unsolved case with a connection to Amanda Powell’s wealth, from many years back. While Michael tries to uncover the truth behind the case, he meets many different people, which have had hard and painful lives, while he tries to cope with his own loneliness at Christmas, after both his attempts at marriage had left him alone in a rundown apartment and a huge fight with his family. Meanwhile he still tries to search for love in his life.
Many different critics have praised the Echo, and I am no exception. I just love the mysterious and dark atmosphere I felt, whenever I was reading the book and the fact that even though the author wants to let the reader try to find out what comes next by themselves, she always managed to surprise me in the best ways possible. The way the author was narrating the story and her way of describing the people and situations in the book, felt so original and masterly done that I just couldn’t do anything else than loving it. The way she describe the characters was so well and superbly done that I could not stop feeling sad for them when something bad happened, even though I knew they were fictional characters, still the book go its flaws. In the beginning of the book, I could not stop the feeling of being bored. I felt like it started to slow and did not catch up to the good parts before it was too late. The middle of the book is also slow without much to take your attention accept a little backstory to the main character.
I would recommend this book to mostly grown-ups and young adults, because the way the author is writing forces you to think as she does, and actually consider that what comes next is not what you would expect. Minette Walters writes in such a way that you have to think a little for yourself to actually understand what is going on in the story, so if you are not interested in what is to come you will not understand what is going on. The language is also difficult, because of the advanced words and old fashion English she is using.